Tag Archives: video

Virtual Tours of Birmingham Libraries


I just noticed this button at the bottom of the Birmingham Public Library site, which links to a webpage full of mini-video tours of the central downtown branch and five of the Birmingham branches.It’s powered by Alabama360.com, so you have the ability to zoom, pause, pan and tilt.

Some of the older tours are powered by MapWing which pinpoints still images rather than allowing you to pan through a panoramic shot.

The Linn Henley Research Library tours don’t do the murals justice. It’s just one of those things best seen in person.

Nina Simone is still the best

So I was catching up with Moleskinerie last night and found this fontastic video of Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good” the posted. It’s a great song to listen too as you peruse all the notebook porn they have to offer. I will forever use the pocket plain notebook, but this three cashiers mod is pretty snazzy… but then again, maybe I overthink the whole notebook thing… nah…


Nabokov speaks

As big a fan of the printed word as I am, I admit that there is just something to be said for getting to hear an author speak. Even if you don’t listen to what all is said, just listening to the accent, voice, etc. is fun. So even after all the little Nabokov bios I’ve read over the years, I really enjoyed this video posted to video.thirteen:

{hat-tip to whoever posted this to Twitter, sorry I can’t find you now}