Tag Archives: reading

New reads to read

I’ve been looking for a couple more “summer fiction” titles to cram in before the Fall gets here. You know the type… beach-worthy titles that just push you through a quick story.

Well, I found them over at BookChase. His latest review sold me Dan Ronco’s two books. Thank goodness for the blogoshpere. I was spending waaaaaaay too much time looking for some good mind candy.

Book festivals from around the world

Though not a very large event, our young and humble Alabama Book Festival is always an event we travel too. It’s always fun to snap pics of authors you’ve heard of, but never seen. I have yet to meet an author who’s face matched the one I had given them in mind. After scrolling through Kimbooktu’s photos of a Ducth book fetival, I clicked around for a few others…

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Why the Blook indeed

The uber-popular blog DailyCandy has a new book out. The kick-off party spawned this post, about the blog-to-book movement, from CNET’s Caroline McCarthy. Nothing earth shattering in the post, but through the article and comments you can glean some titles of some recent blook hits and misses, if you’re following those kinds of things.

It all just seems to be marketing driven to me. You tell a sales/marketing person, in any industry, “here’s a group of engaged like-minded folks”, then they are going to try and sell them something. I haven’t found a blog-to-book I liked yet, but there are a few more that I’m willing to give a shot.

{via Joe Wikert} (note: Wikert’s blog is a good read and highly recommended to folks trying to keep up with the evolving book industry.)