Category Archives: Events

Alabama Author Expo

The Alabama Author Expo is tomorrow Saturday, April 12th at Vulcan Park. I’m not sure why they scheduled it for the same day as Alabama Bound, but there will be a handful of authors there and a special kids area.

These authors are slated to be there for signings: Jo Kittinger, Jim Lowe, Charles Ghigna, Kathy McCoy, Roger Reid, J.D. Weeks, Aileen Henderson, Anne Weston, Darden North, Edie Hand 

The event is slated to run from 11am-3pm with a Q&A with the authors starting at 2pm.

Clear your calendar

Tomorrow, April 12th is Alabama Bound. It’s the tenth year for the author festival and is a little different this year as it is tied in with our local The Big Read push.


April 19th is just around the corner and that is when the 2008 Alabama Book Festival is taking place. It’s 9am-4pm that Saturday down in Old Alabama Town, in Montgomery.

Here is the most recent list of attending authors and entertainers.

Local author sheds light on local liquor laws and history

Joe Coker, a Samford Religion professor, has turned his doctorial thesis into a book, Liquor in the Land of the Lost Cause: Southern White Evangelicals and the Prohibition Movement. (Nov2007/Univ. of Kentucky Press) It sounds very facinating as it looks at the history of the South’s view of alcohol and prohibition, through the lens of religion.

Black and White ran a short, but very informative Q&A with Coker. Coker is also on the calendar to sign and read from his book, at Jonathon Benton Bookseller on April 12th from 2p to 4p.