Tweet your books into your LibraryThing Account

I consider myself a Twitter newbie, but I know I will be racking up the tweets in the weeks ahead, as LibraryThing has just added Twitter integration. That is, you can now add books to you LibraryThing account via Twitter. The set-up process is very straight forward as are the tweet set-ups.

I’m ready to go, but I don’t have any books to enter. All mine are already cataloged… something that needs to be remedied this weekend!

My bookshelves

Hugh, over at BookOven just posted a pic of one his (neatly lines with bookends on every shelf) bookshelves and asked folks to share their own. I’m home with our 5-month-old this morning, so was able to turn around and snap this. I don’t get to play along much! I didn’t realize how crowded my shelves were until I uploaded the pic.

Cinder blocks and 2×4’s, anyone?

my bookshelves

What Would Google Do?

Via the HaperCollinsCanada Facebook group: “We’ve got 100% of Jeff Jarvis’s What Would Google Do? opened up for reading via Browse Inside.”

More and more publishers seem to be taking advantage of Google Books in the early stages of promoting their titles. I wonder if HarperCollinsCanada plans to leave the entire book up (which released today)or take it down eventually? Either way. I’m stoked about this being put out there for us and will dutifully spread the word! Ha! See? I’m a sucker for book marketers.

So, click on over and give the entire book a look, if you’re interested.