Epicenter Press is living the small press dream… they have stayed focused to their core material/genre and have turned out to be the only publisher with a book about the hottest topic in the US right now… McCain’s pick of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for VP.
Epicenter, which publishes books on the Pacific Northwest, printed 13,000 Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska’s Political Establishment Upside Down, around last April.
Now, thanks to McCain’s nod, they have orders out for 40,000+ more. I bet it’s one big party over there! It’s great when things like this happen to smaller publishers. Here is a company that printed a book they believed there was a market for… a market so small that no big-house publisher would bother serving… and now they are reaping the rewards. Good for them! And it’s another example of why we’re all better off with small presses in the world!
Let’s hear it for compeititon! Amazon has been forced to spell out exactly what their new POD policies allow and ban. In response to a letter from competitor Lightning Source‘s John Ingram, Amazon has conceded that there are still ways to sell your POD books on site without using their Booksurge program…
Amazon further notes that if publishers do not want to use BookSurge for pod, they can still sell their titles through the e-tailer as part of it Advantage Program, provided they pre-produce five copies of each title that Amazon will stock in its warehouse. Publishers can also use Amazon’s third party marketplace option to list titles. Amazon is not requiring that pod titles be printed exclusively through BookSurge.
So basically, you can pay Amazon the extra fee through Booksurge to have your POD book sold on site or you can by Amazon the extra fee through the Advantage program or merchant marketplace program and have your book sold on site.
So either way Amazon is going to get you to pay for not using their POD service. But at least today they had to own up to their plans.
{via Publisher’s Weekly}

Tonight, 6pm at Urban Standard (2320 2nd Ave North) you will find a flock of Birmingham’s most clever and creative folks gathering to celebrate the Birmingham Arts Journalturning 5-years-old. BAJ Art Editor Liz Reed says both the party and 52-page quarterly publication are helping to put our city in the global arts spotlight…
Continue reading Birmingham Arts Journal turns 5 →
Books, Publishing and Birmingham