Tag Archives: marketing

What Would Google Do?

Via the HaperCollinsCanada Facebook group: “We’ve got 100% of Jeff Jarvis’s What Would Google Do? opened up for reading via Browse Inside.”

More and more publishers seem to be taking advantage of Google Books in the early stages of promoting their titles. I wonder if HarperCollinsCanada plans to leave the entire book up (which released today)or take it down eventually? Either way. I’m stoked about this being put out there for us and will dutifully spread the word! Ha! See? I’m a sucker for book marketers.

So, click on over and give the entire book a look, if you’re interested.

Twitterati Literati

yale logoI just started following Yale Univeristy Press on Twitter. Are there other cool publishers that I’m missing? Please pass along if you know of any.

It’s interesting to follow publishers as they move into new areas. It seems most are hesitant to explore things like Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, etc. So I’m glad to see some trying it out and doing a good job at it. And by good job, I mean sending stuff out other than “get 20% off book x this week”.

Press releases are ok, but if I’m following a publishers feed or engaging them via social media it’s because I’m interested in them on a topical level. So far Yale University Press‘ feed is doing that.

Why the Blook indeed

The uber-popular blog DailyCandy has a new book out. The kick-off party spawned this post, about the blog-to-book movement, from CNET’s Caroline McCarthy. Nothing earth shattering in the post, but through the article and comments you can glean some titles of some recent blook hits and misses, if you’re following those kinds of things.

It all just seems to be marketing driven to me. You tell a sales/marketing person, in any industry, “here’s a group of engaged like-minded folks”, then they are going to try and sell them something. I haven’t found a blog-to-book I liked yet, but there are a few more that I’m willing to give a shot.

{via Joe Wikert} (note: Wikert’s blog is a good read and highly recommended to folks trying to keep up with the evolving book industry.)

Many mini-books

While writing a previous post about a local book release party for Susannah Felts’ debut novel, I got sucked into her publisher’s site and found this rather cool, yet simple marketing tool.


Basically, they take a few excerpts and type set them onto letter size pages, for you to freely print out, from their site. Then, following the numbers, you fold it all up and have a little mini-book with cover and all.