Tag Archives: Birmingham

Natta in the news

Andre NattaBham Terminal founder Andre Natta has a swank write-up in one of Birmingham’s local papers (the pics aren’t bad either). Congrats to Christina Crowe on the well-written peek into what makes Andre tick. He deserves to be in the spotlight, after all this time of trying to cast the spotlight on others around town.

Also, take note of the mention of a Wordcamp in Birmingham this September!!! It’s going to be a blast!

Alabama Author Expo

The Alabama Author Expo is tomorrow Saturday, April 12th at Vulcan Park. I’m not sure why they scheduled it for the same day as Alabama Bound, but there will be a handful of authors there and a special kids area.

These authors are slated to be there for signings: Jo Kittinger, Jim Lowe, Charles Ghigna, Kathy McCoy, Roger Reid, J.D. Weeks, Aileen Henderson, Anne Weston, Darden North, Edie Hand 

The event is slated to run from 11am-3pm with a Q&A with the authors starting at 2pm.