Category Archives: Book Talk

The online book world just got a little more fun thanks to the launch of This site is a bit of a social experiment and a bit of classroom project as the videos are produced by 20 University of Oregon journalism students. launched in April 2015 and has 23 videos posted so far and all of them focus on books, authors and readers. The site seems to be going for a more social-share vibe rather than straight up journalism. I think there may only be one or two videos over two minutes in length. So it’s definitely designed to snack on and share.

I can already tell that one of my favorite segments will #JudgeItByTheCover bit where they stop a passerby and ask them what they think the book is about based solely on the front cover. It’s pretty fun.

There is also the What’s on Your Nightstand, where they chat with folks out on the street,  Q&A’s with authors and even a kids segment called Kid’s Corner. The “About” tab says they have a partnership with Powell’s, but I can’t figure out exactly.

Booklandia_TwitterIt’s been fun skimming through the videos. They also have a direct YouTube page and are @BooklandiaTV on Twitter as well.


So if you’re hungry for some snack-sized book content to watch check out I can tell it’s only going to get better and more creative.


Buzz Book 2015

The folks over at Publisher’s Lunch have released this year’s Buzz Books. These annual FREE ebooks offer excerpts and background information for a few dozen not-yet-released books.

This year there is the Buzz Book 2015 and the Buzz Book 2015 – Young Adult (YA) edition.

The Buzz Book 2015 features 35 books covering both fiction and non-fiction books. What’s neat about this year is that there are some lesser-known authors in there as well as some names you’ll probably recognize.

While the YA edition features 20 books.


Both editions are available through kindle, nook, Google Play, iBooks, and Kobo. Sorry no PDF version this year.

And a hat tip to BookChase for posting about this a couple of weeks ago. Leave a comment if you grab a copy of the free ebook and stumble across a new read that you want to check out. Lot’s of good books slated for the Fall it seems. Just what my TBR pile needs. . .

Watching BEA from Afar

Last week Book Expo America 2015 was held in New York City. It’s an industry-only event best described as if a giant bookstore and Mardi Gras had a baby. Is that too weird?

This year (as last) BEA backed up into BookCon. Which is an event for book fanatics, fans and the general public. It’s more as if a giant bookstore and a Hollywood red carpet had a child. If you like celebrity sightings then it’s certainly your cup of tea.

I didn’t get to go this year (all these photos are courtesy via BEA), but had a blast watching via the bookterwebs. If you know where to look you don’t have to dig too far before you virtually bump into an author or publisher you admire.


So while there are no free books or ARC’s here , here is a quick rundown of the more notable highlights that are worth a read-through if you’d like to catch up:

Let me know if you know of something I missed out on. I have so many links and articles to read through as I dig deeper into some really great reads coming out later this year. Maybe I can get through them all before BEA descends on Chicago in 2016.


BOOK EVENTS: MAY 25, 2015 – June 05, 2015

What a fantastic holiday weekend here in Birmingham, AL. The weather has been fantastically cool and even spit out a little summer shower this evening. So I don’t blame you if you’re out hiking, biking or sunning this next week – but if the rain falls again consider checking out one of these book events in and around the Birmingham area over the next two weeks.

Tuesday, May 26th from 10:00am – 12:00pm – Author Roe Bonner, will be at the West End Library talking about and signing his book Behind The Mic: The Rise and Fall of Personality Radio, which discusses  the business aspects of owning or managing a radio station.

Wednesday, May 27th from 6:30pm – 7:30pm – Author Mary Kay Andrews will be participating in a Q&A session and signing books at the Vestavia Hills Library.

Friday, June 5th from 4:00pm – 6:00pm – Jeff Shaara will be at the Alabama Booksmith signing his latest Civil War book The Fateful Lightning.