Orbit Books is offering one e-book for $1 for one month, through April. They even set up a special promotional site. One thing I found interesting is that they are not serving up the downloads themselves. They have tapped into the myriad of online distributors of digital book files.

I think this is great promo Orbit is running. And I’m sure more publishers will follow suit. I just wonder how long it will be pefore publishers bite the bullet and invest in their own site infrastructure so they can serve up all these file formats themselves… fewer clicks is a good thing, for the customer and for the distribution fees.
Tor seems to be doing this very well.

The Parnasus on Wheels of the new millinium is making a stop in Birmingham today, Thursday, October 30th. The big Digital Bookmobile truck will be open from 10am-4pm at the downtown Central branch. The 18-wheeler will have demonstration stations and computers set-up to allow browsers the chance to learn about e-books, mobile books, digital audio books, etc.
None of these products are new to the internet crowd. But the part that’s really cool is that the event is designed to highlight and introduce many of our local library’s own digital download and media services. I plan on swinging by to see what’s new!
ED: Thanks to shadowhelm for catching my scheduling snafu. The Bookmobile is in town Thursday, October 30th. Sorry for the confusion.
Books, Publishing and Birmingham