Tag Archives: book

the future of the “classics”

Public Domain Reprints is a brand-spanking new non-profit has streamlined the next evolutionary step in book publishing. Basically you surf the net for any public domain title. The site says they have some 2 million books ready to print.

Once you have found your book, you submit it to Public Domain Reprints and they handle the hassle of submitting, typesetting, etc. with some online service like LuLu.com. Then you get your book, at cost (plus a $1 fee),in the mail. That’s it.

The cost “classic editions” is about to plummit. The only real value a publisher can now add to a book that’s been around forever is text design and cover design (though some may think a new ‘foreword’ or ‘introduction’ would be of value) . So it’ll be interesting to see what that is worth.

Would someone pay extra to have a better designed book? Or when it comes to the printing of the oldies, is it just the content (at the cheapest price) that they are after?

{via blogoscoped}

Many mini-books

While writing a previous post about a local book release party for Susannah Felts’ debut novel, I got sucked into her publisher’s site and found this rather cool, yet simple marketing tool.


Basically, they take a few excerpts and type set them onto letter size pages, for you to freely print out, from their site. Then, following the numbers, you fold it all up and have a little mini-book with cover and all.

Local author event tomorrow night

Tomorrow night at 7 pm, you can find Susannah Felts at The Bottletree reading and signing her new book This Will Go Down on Your Permanent Record. The book is all about developing an identity as an artist among the culture of the New South. In anticipation of the book’s release I traded a few emails with Felts, to see what all the buzz was about…

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