Bookartist Podcasts

The Books Arts Program over in Tuscaloosa posts podcasts of interviews with book artists from around the country. I wish I had discovered this sooner. It’s great listening and amazing to compare the thoughts and processes of such an eclectic and talented group.

I hope they keep it up for years to come. Imagine having an archive full of these colorful folks 20 years down the road…

A ying to that yang

Now, after that last post ranting on the state of new books, I have to say I am most excited about Michael Chabon’s 2007 release! It’s titled The Yiddish Policeman’s Union and is set to hit bookshelves on May 1st. Being a cover-guy, I usually wait until Amazon has covers posted before linking. But I feel as if I need some balance after that last post.
Chabon’s new story has and “alternate reality” twist to it as it takes place in Israel which is in Alaska…

Continue reading A ying to that yang

I kind of agree…

I read some thoughts over at Reading Matters. Basically the guy goes off on Updike’s new book Terrorist. I have not read Updike’s latest, but I do have to nod in agreement to his general view of the books big houses are cranking out these days.

I am in no way a “serious lit” reader. I wish I could get into a lot of the classics and put forth  thoughts on liteary theory. But all that takes the fun out of books, for me. I like a good read. Period. That means good writing too.

I give every novel 100 pages before I give up…

Continue reading I kind of agree…

Books, Publishing and Birmingham