Yet another edition of Cover Revisionist History, a designer has redesigned the Harry Potter books as Penguin Classics editions. I have a confession to make: I have not read the Harry Potter books (but I have seen almost all the movies, if that counts). But from what I remember, the images chosen for the covers are iconic enough to work. What’s really fun is that the designer says”Due to multiple requests I am making these images available as prints”. So that’s cool. I wish more of what I find when trolling the interwebs could be mounted on my wall.
So I was catching up with Moleskinerie last night and found this fontastic video of Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good” the posted. It’s a great song to listen too as you peruse all the notebook porn they have to offer. I will forever use the pocket plain notebook, but this three cashiers mod is pretty snazzy… but then again, maybe I overthink the whole notebook thing… nah…
I consider myself a Twitter newbie, but I know I will be racking up the tweets in the weeks ahead, as LibraryThing has just added Twitter integration. That is, you can now add books to you LibraryThing account via Twitter. The set-up process is very straight forward as are the tweet set-ups.
I’m ready to go, but I don’t have any books to enter. All mine are already cataloged… something that needs to be remedied this weekend!
More and more publishers seem to be taking advantage of Google Books in the early stages of promoting their titles. I wonder if HarperCollinsCanada plans to leave the entire book up (which released today)or take it down eventually? Either way. I’m stoked about this being put out there for us and will dutifully spread the word! Ha! See? I’m a sucker for book marketers.