Category Archives: Events

Philip Roth Live Simulcast

On September 16th, at 6:30pm, The Alabama Booksmith will play host to a live simulcast with author Philip Roth. The Booksmith is one of a handful of venues that will be dialed into the event, allowing visitors to watch Philip Roth and participate in a Q&A with the reclusive author.

According to their site, the Booksmith will have copies of all 29 Roth titles available and will be serving wine (to help fortify your courage to throw out questions to Roth, on this national stage).

Roth’s new title (with a ho-hum so-so cover) drops a couple of weeks from now and is titled Indignation.

Homewood Library Booksale

The sale runs this weekend August 15-18.

For first pick through this year’s books, show up at the library at 6:30pm, on Friday, Aug. 15th and pay $2. That gets you in to bag the books and includes wine and snacks.

There is no cover charge for the rest of the sale (though you do miss out on the choicest picks)…

Saturday, August 16 the books will be on sale from 9 a.m.– 5:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 17 the books will be on sale from 2 p.m.– 5:30 p.m.
Monday, August 18 the books will be on sale from 9 a.m.– 8:30 p.m.

Happy hunting!

National Book Festival Podcasts

This September 27, nearly 70 authors will swarm the mall in D.C. for the National Book Festival. Organizers are getting the word out about who will be there and already have started posting podcasts with some of the notable names and authors involved. They promise more podcasts soon with authors and famous faces.

Typecon 2008


If I could be anywhere this week it would be up in Buffalo, New York, at this year’s Typecon. It kicked off yesterday and runs through the 20th. I really need to plan my summer vacations better… maybe next year. I mean surely some of the knowledge and skills of these guys would rub off, right? Well, until then I’ll just have to follow their Twitter feed to get my Typecon fix.

Let me know if you guys find anyplace that has bloggers there or is posting podcasts/video.