Category Archives: Bookshelf

My Bookshelf Standing Desk

I am a big proponent of standing desks and get excited about posts like the one on Unplggd. I’ve been a “stander” for over a year and would recommend everyone trying it out. You can always grab a bar stool, if you want to sit. I like my converted bookcase/bookshelf method because it’s:

  • easy to raise and lower the shelf for the monitor and keyboard (ergonomics are a must)
  • leaves plenty of room for a cashier’s mat (highly recommended, to ease strain on heels)
  • it’s cheap and easy to do
  • plenty of places for books and book covers that we’re working on

The Shelf-Help Section

Books truly are the foundation for. . .  Props to the shop. . .  Look at how resourceful. . .

A photo is worth a thousand puns. I have been in many shops that this very same structural support could have been in. They always are the fun ones.


This came via email from the site. You can waste an entire day clicking through that site. You have been warned!

My bookshelves

Hugh, over at BookOven just posted a pic of one his (neatly lines with bookends on every shelf) bookshelves and asked folks to share their own. I’m home with our 5-month-old this morning, so was able to turn around and snap this. I don’t get to play along much! I didn’t realize how crowded my shelves were until I uploaded the pic.

Cinder blocks and 2×4’s, anyone?

my bookshelves