Amazon Kindle App for Mac Now Available

It’s finally here! Click here to go download it (download will start automatically).

There’s nothing super special about it. With all the delays, since last year, I thought they were cramming in all of the annotations and such, but it looks like those are coming later. This app, which lets you buy and read kindle books on any Mac OS 10.5 machine does support device syncing, which is more important to me and worked fine this morning. So I can start readying a book on my phone and then pick up where I left off on my computer. Pretty handy. Bookmarks are displayed too. Not a bad little app, but you can see why they didn’t launch with a parade.

Let me know what you think about it or if you’re even going to give it a try.

Free Books – Read It Forward

I love promotional programs like the new Read It Forward here in Birmingham/Jefferson County. They seem to merge all of the fun parts of technology, connects a community and has FREE books! This year Tom Sawyer has been selected as the book for Alabama Reads and the JCLC system is stepping up to make reading and lending books fun.

All you do is go to one of the JCLC libraries for a free copy of Tom Sawyer and read it. Then go to the Read It Forward site and enter in the ID number from the book and rate the story. Then go find a park bench or bus stop or lunch room and leave the book there. Just walk away. From time to time you can then go back to the Read It Forward site to see who picked up your copy and what they thought of it and see where that book is headed next.

I already have a couple of copies of Tom Sawyer, but I may have to go get one of these so I can play too.

Amazon Yanks Macmillan Books

Amazon fired the opening salvo in the latest skirmish over eBooks with mega-publisher Macmillan. Macmillan, one of the largest publishers in the world is at odds with Amazon over the pricing of Kindle books, so Amazon deleted all of the “Buy Now” buttons from all Macmillan published titles! I’m sure Amazon can predict the impact this move will have on Macmillan’s sales and think it will hurt enough to bring the publisher back ‘in line’. We’ll see.

Amazon has always artificially deflated the price of Kindle books, to get people to buy Kindles and to read Kindle books on their phones. Until the iPad, publishers had few choices as to other major hubs of online distribution. But I’m sure Macmillan feels they have a place to run. And Amazon has called their bluff.

The average cost per title on the Kindle is $9.99 and the publisher has little say in this. While Apple says publishers will be able to “adjust their own pricing” on the new iPad and upcoming iBooks store. Prices there are expected to be in the $12-$15 range.

For those still reading this, I would like to restate one point that many don’t realize: Amazon is artificially deflating eBook prices. So, even though they sell the Kindle book for $9.99, they are still paying the publisher royalties on the $12-$15 price the publisher wants. So, at this point, the publisher is still able to keep the lights on and pay its people. Macmillan’s complaint is that Amazon is ‘purposefully devaluing the product’. The fear is Amazon will so ingrain the $9.99 price in consumers’ minds that they can then quit subsidizing the pricing, forcing publishers to sell their products at loss at $9.99. So this isn’t a price “set by competition and market conditions” it’s a price set by a huge retailer with huge leverage to control the market and competition. I’m not calling sides here, but this is a very important point.

All I know is that no one wins when retailers pull books off the shelves, for any reason. And should sound as a warning to ALL publishers that they need to open themselves up to sell directly to consumers, at a minimum to offset crazy deals like this one.

The Largest Book in the World

Wow. Just wow! The Guardian has a feature on the world’s largest book, which is part of a map & atlas exhibit at The British Museum. It takes 6 people to move the 350-year-old Klencke Atlas which contains maps and such dating from the time of Charles II. Pretty cool. I can’t find any measurements for the Atlas, but will share once I do. Apparently, this exhibit will be the first time the world’s largest book will be publicly displayed, with its pages open for viewing.

Books, Publishing and Birmingham