Book Events: July 15th – July 22nd

Here are three bookish-type events going on this week in the Birmingham-area. If you know of any upcoming author signings, book sales or library events around the Birmingham area, please share via email or in the comments.

July 18th at 5:00 p.m. – Tanner Colby signing Some of My Best Friends Are Black and Carolyn Maull McKinstry signing While the World Watched at the Alabama Booksmith.

July 21st, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. – Amber McRee Turner will be signing Sway at the Little Professor Bookstore in Homewood.

July 21st at 7:30 p.m. – Booklovers, Bingo and Brews (must be 21 to attend) at the Vestavia Hills library.


Slotted Table Top Bookshelf

These are classic and absolutely beautiful. Up front know they run $90 for each 17″ shelf, but they would be so handy. I’m pretty sure that every book lover needs two. These are angled just right to serve as “presentation shelves”. So you could have your signed firsts or mini collection of Alvin Lustig‘s New Direction covers, set out so you can enjoy and your guests can take a look.

table top bookshelf

But these table top bookshelves are also portable, so you’d need one to sit on your desk to hold all of the books you need access to, on a daily basis, as you write your book (you do have a book in you. That’s not a question. You do, whether you know it or not).

table top bookshelf 2

Of course, if you buy three, then you’ll have to start looking for the perfect library table to go under them… hmmmm…

Book Art and Recycling Books

All Summer long the Birmingham Library system has been hosting events that teach you how to make things out of old books. I haven’t been able to make any of the evening courses yet, but they sound kind of fun and there are a few more left.

Friday, July 20th 10:00a-12:00p at the Powderly Branch – learn about “Stamps and Stiches” and use different printing techniques and sewing to create truly unique altered book pieces.

Monday, July 23rd 6:30p-8:30p at the Avondale Branch – learn “Collage and Image Transfers” to add images and depth to your altered book art project.

If you’ve missed all of the other sessions (as I have) look towards the bottom of the library’s blog post where they list a handful of books that they have on the shelves to help you get inspired and started with your own book art project.

With Big Data Comes Big Responsibilty

This came across Twitter the other day and is so very true:

 My fear is that publishers will use the reader data they collect from eReaders the same way that Hollywood uses focus groups to make movies.

It’s no secret that some publishers are closely watching the reports of “most highlighted passage”, “most shared photos” and “where people quit reading the book”. Lots of good stuff to learn there.

But, there is a reason that the world is awash in too many books, crappy TV and weak movies. . . the people in charge of cranking out books, tv and movies are courting the largest mass of consumers they can. And for mass appeal you make something that equals the lowest common denominator (at worst) or is simply a novelty (at best).

Let’s hope that book publishers have a sense of all of these lessons and can do a fair job of making contributions to their readers’ lives and not just spewing books filled with the most profitable sentences their algorithms said they could string together

Books, Publishing and Birmingham