Howard Bahr is signing The Judas Field tomorrow at the Alabama Booksmith.
Say it isn’t so!
Dear California,
Please keep books in the classroom. If kids don’t read books at school, they’re sure not going to read them at home.
Thank you.
You can read about the “experiment” over on this Reuters feed.
Penguin’s pen
Penguin Books has started a blog. It’s about two weeks old and sports nine posts today. It’ll be interesting to see how a big house like that handles a “conversational maketing” outlet like blogging.
Voices in my head
The JCLC now offers audio book downloads! All files download as MP3’s that you can put on your player or burn to cd (though there seems to be no Mac or iPod love). The Hoover Library has offered this for a while, but you had to live in Hoover to be allowed to use it.
I’m glad the JCLC is looking out for the rest of us!