Apparently, this handful of debut authors will promote the books together. Sort of a “must read list” for mystery buffs next year. The site isn’t at 100% yet, but their blog has been up and running for a few months. (via Crime Fiction Dossier)
It’s a long weekend! What better way to enjoy it than kicking back and discussing some good books? You can scan through Book TV’s weekend schedule here.
There’s a neat topic posted over on Osprey Design’s Foreword blog about using PhotoShop to doctor photos of people. The instance under review is the Katie Couric image that ran in a CBS magazine.
Starting this morning, Google Books is offering downloads of “entire works”, for free. For the past two years Google has been working with university liabraries from California, Michigan, England and a few in between. They have digitized anything and everything. Today, Google posted all of their copies of “public domain” books.