Preserving bound books

There’s a new site that’s up and running in an effort to preserve the bound book. Unlike many folks upset about “digital media” intruding on print media’s turf, the folks at Future of the Book seem to be operating with a much broader perspective. They’re even working in digital printing and media into some of their projects. It should be fun to watch how they evolve and just how myopic their vision does/doesn’t get.

Martel’s mailings

Is this just marketing? He kind of seems sincere. Yann Martel, author of Life of Pi, is taking a stand for the arts. And it’s a stand that will expand Canada’s Prime Minister’s book case.

Martel says he’ll keep the world up-to-date, via a website, on all the books he sends to the PM’s house.

This little new tidbit has just moved Life of Pi to the top of my TBR pile. I know, I know… I’m probably the only person on the planet who hasn’t read this yet.

Books, Publishing and Birmingham