Category Archives: On the Web

The trouble with April Fools Day

I am not enjoying today and have given up listening to NPR and reading blog/tweets until April 2nd. It’s just too much!!!! Ahhhh!!!! NPR got me this morning with the whole 2 minute piece on STEAM. And I haven’t been happy since. 

And now over on the most excellent harperstudio blog, they have announced a new ebook pricing/marketing plan. Which seems really forward thinking as it engages the Twitter crowd, but then you can read the comments and every other person is “This has to be April Fools”. So what’s the point? If it’s legit, then they missed the boat cause their plans are being second guessed and if it’s a joke then it’s just wasted time. But, I guess it did spawn a blog post here…

So I’ll just have to wait until tomorrow, to see what’s really real in the real world.

Virtual Tours of Birmingham Libraries


I just noticed this button at the bottom of the Birmingham Public Library site, which links to a webpage full of mini-video tours of the central downtown branch and five of the Birmingham branches.It’s powered by, so you have the ability to zoom, pause, pan and tilt.

Some of the older tours are powered by MapWing which pinpoints still images rather than allowing you to pan through a panoramic shot.

The Linn Henley Research Library tours don’t do the murals justice. It’s just one of those things best seen in person.

A Bookseller’s Blog

There is a great post over at Rich Rennicks’ blog The Word Hoarder, where he posits ideas and questions about how publishers and bookstores operate. I’ve read through it twice and have yet to comment. There’s just so much there. I’ll keep checing on it and hope to comment soon.

But I wanted to post the link because this is a discussion that many in the publishing industry should be having.