Category Archives: Book Talk

War and New Piece

Every year, Tolstoy’s War and Peace makes it as one of the top-ten best novels every written. So what does publisher Harper Collins want to do to honor this distinction? Put the 1500 page classic on a diet and change the ending, of course!

That’s right, the new edition coming out this year will be half as long and characters who were previously killed will live and others that lived will die. Why?

Harper Collins says…

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Two places at once

The Birmingham Public Library has posted its first show on YouTube. You can view the video here, from their blog. It’s the epsiode promoting Alabama Bound and discussing a book on Miles College and drama titled Mayor Todd.

The YouTube video has a couple of weird edits and lasts around six minutes. Unless I’m mistaken, this is the same show that airs on public access here in the ‘ham. Which is pretty cool if you miss it on TV.

Props to the BPL crew for doing this. I hope they keep it up!