The YouTube video has a couple of weird edits and lasts around six minutes. Unless I’m mistaken, this is the same show that airs on public access here in the ‘ham. Which is pretty cool if you miss it on TV.
Props to the BPL crew for doing this. I hope they keep it up!
this guy is right on about the state of books today. I’ve been looking for a clean white 100% recycled paper for a while and nada. If you know of any PLEASE let us know! I can’t figure out why it’s so hard to do.
According to the booktrade gurus, 1986 was the year that “hardback books began selling like paperbacks”. I honestly had previously wondered when the publishing industry started down the road of ordering up millions of first run hardbacks, all set to sell at hardback prices.
Apparently it all started when Stephen King, Danielle Steele and Tom Clancy, started to put pen to paper, churning out books at a regular schedule.