Category Archives: Book Talk

Reading 5 books a day

According to this cool article/interview, Amazon’s most prolific customer reviewer has posted 12,000 reviews in 7 years. That’s unbelievable and a lot of folks in the industry have been taking note. Though an English professor interviewed for the article admits that she has, on occassion, read 5 books in a day!

I don’t think I can drink enough coffee to get me to that pace.

Boon for BookTV

Book TV has updated and improved their site. It’s loaded with video, audio, calendars, etc. It really is a much improved experience. Kudos to the folks behind the scenes. It’s fun poking around all of the interviews and appearances. Of course, please feel free to ignore anything that might reinforce stereotypes about my beloved Birmingham and the South.

Speaking of video, the mystery has been solved…

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The dish on books

I often scribble down titles of books as I find them referenced in whatever book I’m reading. Somehow, reading passages where characters refer to some archaic title (I’ve often never heard of) puts me in detective mode and then I’ll spend too much time online, digging up as much as I can, often leading to squat.

But food. I’ve never thought about the food.

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