The folks over at GalleyCat posted a link to mediabistro’s design blog unbeige which featured a year-end wrap up of Chip Kidd highlights. If you’re interested in bookcover design, Kidd news is always colorful and insightful.
I especially liked this article in The Telegraph, but only in the celeb-news junkie kinda way. Not sure why it’s important that I know what Kidd has over his sofa, but I enjoyed the piece none-the-less. Sort of a pop-ish look, at the man that puts out some of the best book covers, on the planet.
Also, here is a link to the USA Today page which is posting the serialized version of Kidd’s sophomore novel effort The Lerners.
Being a LibraryThinger, I like to keep up with what the field of “social library services” are doing. So I was really enjoying BookPatrol’s thoughts on the subject. I think he has some good “big picture” views. But then the reading got even better when I saw the first comment was from Tim Spalding over at LT. He offered some great insights into the workings of information sharing and data. Both are worth the read, if you have the time.
I sure do hate to see the holidays fading behind me. It’s one of the few times a year I can really cram in some solid reading time. A couple of days off work, big old couch, cup of coffee, a new book…
Over the past week, I picked up and finished Chabon’s Yiddish Policeman’s Union. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was the perfect winter holiday book. I’m not one for ‘alternate history’ kinda things, but this one was well done. Of course Chabon’s writing was great (as always) but I really enjoyed the peek into the lives of the Jewish/Yiddish/Orthodox people. Lots of interesting tidbits to chew on. It’s fascinating to ‘experience’ older cultures like that. I did throw my two cents into the conversation with a short rambling book review over on LibraryThing too.
Now I’m turning the pages of The Bookaholics Guide to Book Blogs. If you frequent lit blogs, then you’ll know 99% of the folks featured in the book. I had no idea that some of the ‘heavy weights’ in the lit blog world are such a tight knit group. A couple of them are even married. I’ll pass along more when I’m done.
Hope your new year is off to a good start and that your holidays were as enjoyable and book-filled as mine were!
I want a book reading challenge. Some of my favorite posts, over the past year have been those folks participating in some quasi-organized reading challenge. The themes have been great too. So now I’m in search of one. Fortunately…