Category Archives: Book Talk

Local author event tomorrow night

Tomorrow night at 7 pm, you can find Susannah Felts at The Bottletree reading and signing her new book This Will Go Down on Your Permanent Record. The book is all about developing an identity as an artist among the culture of the New South. In anticipation of the book’s release I traded a few emails with Felts, to see what all the buzz was about…

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A jab at Jobs

The flash-in-the-pan that was Steve Jobs’ statement about reading and books was wide spread and still getting batted around on conversations.

Well, today the NY Times ran a piece that tries to balance out the numbers and logic (or illogic) in Jobs’ thinking. I agree with most of the piece, except when they get to the numbers part. For some reason, “the numbers argument” never holds water for me. I mean just because hundreds of millions of books get printed doesn’t mean they’re any good or that people are reading all of them. That just seems like a bad metric. We need to measure the other end of the process.

But I like the thinking here about “reading is not a product”.

{via  Reed Next}

Another new book I’m looking forward to

The new (supposedly expanded) edition of Don Tapscott’s Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything comes out April 17th! I’m not sure how much expansion they could do from the first edition, unless they just update the case studies. There has been so much in the past 18 months will social and group-think sites, that it has become obvious, to even the most stuck-in-the-mud businesses, that collaboration is the future.

Let me know if you run across any advance reviews out there. I’d like to read them and see if the new edition is worth buying.