At the heart of it all, I’m a fan. A fan of books and bookstores. A fan of fiction and non-fiction. A fan of authors and publishers. And most of all I’m a fan of great conversations sparked by books. All that to say - I really need more bookshelves.
I’m finishing up Chris Anderson’s The Long Tail. It’s an interesting look at, what Anderson thinks as “current trends” in online retail.
I was just be-bopping along when I read Lee Gomes insightful WSJ article. Maybe Anderson is looking a bit too far into the future? And making a few too many assumptions?
The Man Booker Prize longlist will be released on Monday, August 14th. Only England/Ireland bound authors are able to win the 38-year-old prize. The shortlist will be announced on September 14th with the prize being handed out on October 10th.
You know those marketers love this kind of extended hype.