All posts by trav

At the heart of it all, I’m a fan. A fan of books and bookstores. A fan of fiction and non-fiction. A fan of authors and publishers. And most of all I’m a fan of great conversations sparked by books. All that to say - I really need more bookshelves.

Famous Finds

Here’s a neat list maintained by a small lending library in Maine. It lists famous people and their favorite book(s). Some of the people are even quoted and expound as to why they picked what they did.

I’ve always wondered what you could learn about somebody if you could study their TBR pile, but this is pretty fun too. Some folks picked some heavy stuff, but I was surprised by a few such as General Colin Powell’s first pick.

Prose by any other name

Warner Books has announced that their new name is Grand Central Publishing. It’s all part of being bought by a French company last year.

I guess dropping “books” from your business/imprint’s name will be standard practice as the big companies move forward and look at online content, etc.

I do want to see the new logo though. Pass a link along if you stumble across it please!