Heather Cox Richardson is an amazing writer and she has just announced her new book Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America. The book is due in stores sometime in September 26, 2023. Here is the cover (I love the sunrise glow coming up from the bottom):

I first stumbled upon Heather Cox Richardson’s writing back in 2020 when I read How the South Won the Civil War. Which I found fascinating. Her premise is insightful, the research was well done and the writing even better. It was the kind of book that makes you see the impact of historical decisions playing out in the day-today news and happenings all around you. It’s also the kind of book that leaves you with questions as you may not see eye-to-eye with her, but man is the conversation worth having. There is no downside to reading whatever Heather Cox Heather Cox Richardson writes.
Which is why I signed up for her newsletter, back in 2020, just after reading that book. Turns out most folks know her through her newsletter and online writing and discover her books later. Who knew?
Her new book Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America is just 250 pages broken into 30 chapters. As she tells it: “…it tries to explain how we got to this political moment…and how we get out.” Sounds like another worthwhile and thoughtful read – whether you agree with her or not.
I went to hear her speak earlier this month and brought my mother who had barely heard of her. We were registered and arrived early but the (quite large) auditorium was already full and we were put in an overflow room, although rescued at the last minute when some big donors failed to show up. When she took the stage people actually rose to their feet and started applauding and cheering as if for a rock star! It was great fun.
I’ve yet to hear her speak! That sounds like a great crowd to hear her. If her talks are as well done as her books and newsletter then I bet it was a good event. It’s encouraging to hear that she is resonating with so many folks. Thank you for sharing here!