Many mini-books

While writing a previous post about a local book release party for Susannah Felts’ debut novel, I got sucked into her publisher’s site and found this rather cool, yet simple marketing tool.


Basically, they take a few excerpts and type set them onto letter size pages, for you to freely print out, from their site. Then, following the numbers, you fold it all up and have a little mini-book with cover and all.

One thought on “Many mini-books”

  1. hey! what’s even cooler is that most of the minis are self-contained stories they’ve decided to publish, not excerpts. so, totally fresh new writing. i recommend “grandpa’s brag book” by dills (natch) — especially for anyone who’s ever played golf — and “donovan’s closet” by elizabeth crane. but there’s lots of good stuff there.



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