Birmingham Central Library Bookstore Updated

**This is an old post. The Library Bookstore has a new location. You can see and read about it here.**

The Friends Bookstore at the Central Library downtown has been re-vamped and re-opened. For the past couple of weeks, patrons have been able to come in a peruse the newly culled (and VERY well organized) stock of surplus library and donated books.

The Friends Bookstore is even entering into the service side of things, as you can now email them (bplfriendsbookstore [at] and ask to be added to the “new stock” distribution list. So every time the shop adds to their shelves, you’ll get an email. Pretty nifty.

They have even left shelf space for the new additions. So you can run in on a lunch break and see if there is anything new, without having to cruise through all the shelves.

The new set-up also sports new reading chairs and more shelf space for kids and teen books.

One of my favorite new tweaks is that now the overstock magazines are folded in with the books. So when you’re looking at the books on history or crafts, the magazines that fit in that category are on the shelf with the books. The shelves also have new bright green category labels and shelf-talkers, making it easier to navigate the sections.

The books still run from 50 cents (paperback) to $2 (hardback). So the prices are sure to keep you coming back.

The store is on the 2nd floor of the downtown brancj and will be open Monday-Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., and Sunday, 2:30-5:30 p.m. It is maintained by the Friends of the Birmingham Public Library.

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