Used Booksale, in Birmingham, this Weekend April 23-24

I was tipped off to the St. Francis of Assisi, Indian Springs event via email from a local Birmingham bookaholic. Here’s the deal for all those in and around Birmingham, AL. It boasts 5,000+ used books that have been donated for this fund-raiser.

1. Friday Night – Preview Sale with Wine and Cheese – 5p-8p – $5 admission :: All hardbacks are $1 and all paperbacks are .50 cents.

2. Saturday – The Book Sale – 9a-4p – Free Admission :: Same price as above, but they have a special “Stuff a Sack” sale planned for 2p-4p which lets you walk out with as many books as you can cram in half a sack for $5 or a full sack for $8.

I have no idea what they’re raising money for, but there is not much that is as fun as cramming as many books into a sack as you can for $8. Though $1 hardbacks comes awfully close.

Alabama Book Festival is this Saturday

I’m tempted to use some old school blinking text and neon colors to highlight this event! The weather is going to be great and the attending panelists, authors and speakers is just as good. You can get the full schedule here (it is a PDF download). I’ve already heard from some folks on Twitter that they will be going. So I hope to meet some folks that I’ve been following for a while. Folks start walking around early but it doesn’t officially kick-off until 10a.m. and it’s FREE!

If you want to keep up you can follow the festival on their site, Facebook, blog or Twitter feed. I’ll try and share some pictures throughout the day, while we’re there. Hope you can make it!

Book Review: The Glass Room

I bought The Glass Room by Simon Mawer solely on the recommendation of Anne Kingman in the “Books on the Nightstand” podcast. Too be honest. I never… never… would have picked up this book at the bookstore. It’s just not my usual area. But this one, set in the dawning of WWII in the smaller border countries of Europe, really is well done. And I highly recommend it.

Yes, it is a bit of a romance book, but there is enough geo-political, nationalistic thought that it all kind of makes sense. Even though this one is a bit more heavy in the, ahem, ‘relations’ area than I’m used to, that really didn’t get in the way either. All of the passions really make sense. Whether for other people, their country, their social status or their house.

Ah, the house. It is central to the story. It is the anchor of the story. Some have said it becomes it’s own character and while I won’t go that far I certainly appreciated the role it plays. The descriptions of such a modern architectural home were fantastic. The story follows a well-to-do couple in Europe in between WWI and WWII. They elect to build a modern house with glass walls all of the way around. The family and house are received about as well as you can imagine in such a traditional part of the world back in the early to mid-1900’s. Much of the story revolves around the relationships of a core group of friends and society types. There is love, affairs, work, travel, etc. and then was looms. And all of the fantasy and such goes out the window when it comes time for them to answer: jew or not jew? Do we stay or do we run?

I’m told that if you read a lot of literary romance fiction, this one might feel cliche at times, but I never felt that way.

I did read this on my phone via the Kobo reader app and really enjoyed it. I only noticed 6 errors, which is waaaaay less than any Kindle book I have ever bought. This is one I will look for though and buy as a paper book so that it can sit on my shelf for me to loan and talk about.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

Alabama Bound is Tomorrow

This year, Alabama Bound is taking a different track and falling in line with the state-wide The Big Read initiative. It’s still free (except lunch) and runs from 10a-3p, tomorrow (Saturday, march 20th) at the Central Branch in downtown Birmingham. Since this year’s Big Read is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, they are going to have a Mark Twain impersonator, music “from way back” and the Irondale Cafe will be catering. Looks like the weather is going to be nice too!

Books, Publishing and Birmingham