Out of the 112 titles under consideration for the Man Booker Prize only 19 make the longlist.
What makes a classic?
Good discussion going on over at Sarah Etc. wondering just how important is the wordsmithing of a book.
You can check out the latest on her blog here.
And you can see the post that started the conversation here.
Area author in B’ham News
Veronica Pike Kennedy wrote a review in Sunday’s Paper of Dennis Love’s My City Was Gone, published by William Morrow, a Harper Collins imprint. The book is about Anniston’s plight with toxic PCB’s and Monsanto over the years.
(Please note: The author used to be a reporter at the News. So don’t be surprised if Love gets some love from the paper.)
A bit premature?
I’m finishing up Chris Anderson’s The Long Tail. It’s an interesting look at, what Anderson thinks as “current trends” in online retail.
I was just be-bopping along when I read Lee Gomes insightful WSJ article. Maybe Anderson is looking a bit too far into the future? And making a few too many assumptions?
I’ll post thoughts when I get done.