Category Archives: library

Moving Book Art

Check out this super-short promo video for a new book art installation over in England:

Isn’t that cool? I’m always impressed with what artists make of books. But the way this book art (which they’re calling Book Hive) interacts with the viewer is pretty impressive.  The way the books flap open and closed reminds me of all the flying and flapping books in William Joyce’s The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. Which is a good thing.

Morris Lessmore as book art

The book art installation was put in place to bring attention to the 400 years of service that the Bristol libraries have been open over in England. Amazing. Both the Book Hive wall and the centuries of librarians doing their thing.

Bluff Park author to Speak

September 9th at 10:00 a.m. local-Hoover author Heather Jones Skaggs will be speaking at the Hoover Library. Her appearance is free and open to the public, though it is part of the Friends’ meeting. While her Bluff Park book was a great success, you may be able to get the scoop on her upcoming book (also by Arcadia) titled Early Hoover, which she is currently working on.

The meeting will be in Meeting Rooms A,B and C. You can call 205-444-7840 for more information.

hoover library gfx

Book Sale: Pelham Library

The Pelham Library hosts a used-book sale a few times a year. The next one kicks off on August 26th and runs through the end of September. I’ve only been once, but need to fix that as the prices are always good. Hardbacks will be $1 at this sale. All kids’ books and paperbacks will be 50 cents. You an follow the library on Twitter for updates or to ask questions.

Here’s a link to their “Location” page so you can find them. Happy book hunting! And let me know if you score anything good.

pelham library site

Bookstore Book Sale

The Friends Bookstore in the Downtown Birmingham Library (isn’t their new site swanky?) kicks of its Big Bag Sale today! The sale runs through July 14th. Basically you show up, pay $6 for a Friends’ Book Tote and stuff, cram, and mash as many books and magazines as you can in there. Whatever you can fit you get to take home. How fun does that sound? The shop’s hours are Monday-Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., and Sunday, 2:30-5:30 p.m.

Here’s a link to a photo-tour I did a while back when the store remodeled the space.

Happy book hunting Birmingham!

friends page