Category Archives: Bookstore Travels

Reed’s new digs

Jim Reed’s Book Loft has moved from its historic loft space on 1st Avenue South over to 3rd Avenue North. Jim is cramming as much as he can into the first floor of the O’Neill building. It’s a smaller space, but I have to say that you can see more books now. The “shotgun” design of the shop allows for LOTS of bookshelves.

Some might miss the sense of adventure the old loft and all its nooks and crannies created, but those of us stopping by on our lunch breaks do appreciate the new found organization and space.

I posted a few pics here on Flickr. You can tell they’re still moving in (or if you remember the old shop, maybe you can’t).
Here’s a few from the old loft space taken by another Birminghamster some time ago.