Or does this new program seem like a scam?
The above story was brought to light by the hard working folks at Galleycat.
Or does this new program seem like a scam?
The above story was brought to light by the hard working folks at Galleycat.
to ugly books. Here’s a nifty rant on the looks of books.
I think he has a point. Publishers are cranking out titles by the boatload. Too fast for any serious design and thoughtful consideration to be embedded in the all the covers. True. There are a few. But for the most part, most covers and overall design are ho-hum. Not too mention this gent’s observations on the physical size and trim of books these days.
to check out this weekend’s BookTV schedule.
How could I overlook mentioning the Man Booker winner announcement!?
Anyway, as you probably already know Kiran Desai won for The Inheritance of Loss. It was released back in Janurary and is published by Hamish Hamilton.