Category Archives: Book Talk

Preserving bound books

There’s a new site that’s up and running in an effort to preserve the bound book. Unlike many folks upset about “digital media” intruding on print media’s turf, the folks at Future of the Book seem to be operating with a much broader perspective. They’re even working in digital printing and media into some of their projects. It should be fun to watch how they evolve and just how myopic their vision does/doesn’t get.

Chicago flip-flop

The Chicago Tribune is blazing a new trail for its Books Section (via GalleyCat). While most papers are downsizing their book sections, the Trib is moving theirs to Saturday, which will allow the section to expand. They are also backing up the move with a renewed online webpage and books blog, all to be unveiled soon.

I hope this move turns out to be profitable for them and other papers start to take note. This would be a great model for other newspapers to emulate.