I just read this post about a book publisher stealing Google’s laptops at BEA, in order to teach them a lesson. I wonder what Google would say in response.
Category Archives: Book Talk
Just finished…
J. Ray’s The Ecology of a Cracker Childhood, for the Deep South group‘s “book of the month” reading challenge. Thoughts are posted on LibraryThing. Though I only thought it so-so, I still liked it better than the last one I read for the group, back in December.
This month the group is reading James Still’s River of Earth. So find yourself a copy and join up! It’s a group of some well-read folks and is a neat way to discover books that you would have otherwise never picked up.
BEA Wrap Up
Well, I have run out of beer. So, since I can no longer drown my sorrows (for not being able to make this year’s BEA), I decided to see what all I missed.
Reed Next did make it to the show, worked his booth and took it all in. He said that wi-fi on the floor was horrible…
Early bird gets the book
LibraryThing has teamed up with Random House for a new program. You can read all about it in the Early Reviewers Group. Basically, you agree to read and review whatever book/ARC they send to you.
That’s it. Just sign up and they’ll put you on the list to get a book.
It’s almost too good to be true.
Update: here’s the latest from LibraryThing.