Well, I have run out of beer. So, since I can no longer drown my sorrows (for not being able to make this year’s BEA), I decided to see what all I missed.
Reed Next did make it to the show, worked his booth and took it all in. He said that wi-fi on the floor was horrible…
LibraryThing has teamed up with Random House for a new program. You can read all about it in the Early Reviewers Group. Basically, you agree to read and review whatever book/ARC they send to you.
That’s it. Just sign up and they’ll put you on the list to get a book.
I’m really not crazy about this cover. Though I think the process is VERY cool. If I understand it correctly, then every book has it’s own cover, since each was “recorded” at a different place and time. I just wish that the designers had chosen different symbols, patterns, etc. for the machines to manipulate.
I realize none of this makes any sense. That’s why you should watch the first video on their site. The last video on site, is cool too, since it shows all the graphics being pushed around by the city’s sounds.
(via book covers)
It’s almost here! BEA, the largest publishing tradeshow, this side of the Atlantic, kicks off Friday, June 1st in New York City. Man, do I wish I could be there! It’s going to be HUGE. I can’t imagine all those authors, publishers andall those books!
I am just going to have to live my dreams through the blogs and exploits of others. There is the BEA Director’s blog and BookDwarf says there will be live blogging there. A few LibraryThingers are even planning a trip to a local watering hole (co-owned by Sebastian Junger).
I’m also trying to land some first-hand accounts of the show here at {head}:sub/head. So I’ve got my fingers crossed that it’ll happen.
Let me know if you’re aware of any other palces that will shift their lenses to BEA this weekend. I’d really like to keep up.