Category Archives: Book Talk

Reviewing the reviews

This last weekend I caught a panel of reviewers talking about themselves and book reviews over on BookTV. To be honest, they didn’t say much that hasn’t been said already, just a whole lot of complaining about the “shift in the industry” and how the mega-media companies see no value in printing book reviews.

And then I ran across this story… Continue reading Reviewing the reviews

List of Lists

Reed’s Next Reed points us to the NY Times’ 100 Most Notable Books of 2007.

It’s a mammoth list that makes me feel very much so out of the loop. There are too many on that list that I have never heard of! So I started poking around and found a few more lists:

The Telegraph
The Times

The Guardian

I guess it’s always fun to see what the “pros” are saying around the world, but I find a lot more enjoyable lists when seeing what’s hot on LibraryThing and BookMooch…  and blogs! Let me know if you compile your own “Best of 2007” book reading list. I’d like to check out your list!

Just a big ‘ol mob scene

I drove around town a little this evening taking in all the Potter Pandemonium. I’m always amazed at how many people come out for these releases. But I was no where near as excited as Line # 72 (pictured below) at Barnes and Noble at the Summit.


He came walking out of that store whooping it up like he’d just won the lottery. And what was funny was…

Continue reading Just a big ‘ol mob scene