Category Archives: Authors

A ying to that yang

Now, after that last post ranting on the state of new books, I have to say I am most excited about Michael Chabon’s 2007 release! It’s titled The Yiddish Policeman’s Union and is set to hit bookshelves on May 1st. Being a cover-guy, I usually wait until Amazon has covers posted before linking. But I feel as if I need some balance after that last post.
Chabon’s new story has and “alternate reality” twist to it as it takes place in Israel which is in Alaska…

Continue reading A ying to that yang

Namath Naysayers

We talked about Joe Namath coming to town to sign books.

Well, one local blogger has the inside scoop on what Mr. Namath is like behind the scenes.

I can imagine famous people get tired of “having” to do “famous people stuff” and slum with all of us commoners. But there is no need to be a butt about it, ya know? I mean if you are so busy that you can’t sign a few extra books for fans who stood in line forever, then you really shouldn’t bother. Just ruins the whole thing.

Maybe it’s cause he’s not a real writer. He’s an athlete. So maybe that’s why his booksigning didn’t crank his tractor. I dunno.