All posts by trav

At the heart of it all, I’m a fan. A fan of books and bookstores. A fan of fiction and non-fiction. A fan of authors and publishers. And most of all I’m a fan of great conversations sparked by books. All that to say - I really need more bookshelves.

Not another one!

A few weeks ago a very colorful and fun article made the rounds on many blogs. Schott’s NY Times article was about a self-confessed “book abuser” and sparked many create comments and posts across the blogosphere. Well know, folks are taking him to task about the similarities between his article and an essay that appears in Anne Fadiman’s book “Ex Libris.”

Here’s an informative post about it that I found via Books, Inq.

It’s a shame. Looks like the rash of plagerism by professionals over the past couple of years will keep eveyone under the microscope. I mean even if Schott didn’t copy, the burden of proof will always be on him to prove otherwise and regardless of the truth, his name has a smudge on it now.

Font finds

Through an amazing web of links and referals I wound up at an old thread on Cameron Moll’s blog from August of last year.

The subject of the post is “Typefaces no one gets fired for using”. If you’re in the market for new fonts or some variations on some old favorites, check out all of the recommendations left by the commentors. Lots of good rec’s.

Of course, it’s almost as fun to guess what kind of project these folks must be working on to recommend some of the more “display” (i.e. outlandish) fonts.


In an effort to save money and whittle down my “to be read” pile I have seriously curtailed my book buying this year. So far I’m doing pretty good. But today my willpower broke when I ran across a copy of Stefan Salter’s “From Cover to Cover”!

Yes, he’s one of THE Salter brothers. Though not as prolific as his older brother George, Stefan did hold his own as a book/book cover designer. This is a collection of some of his thoughts and opinions on design and publishing in general. Penned back in 1969 it’s sure to offer some unique insights.

I can’t wait to get that one started.

Book give-a-way

You have today and tomorrow to put your name in the hat to win over at Reading Matter’s latest contest.

I pass that along because 1. it’s a fun blog to keep up with and 2. I’m a fan of this specific contest’s “subject”. You are simply to list the title of a fictionalized account of some real-world historical figure or person. I’ve always enjoyed reading these kinds of books and have added two title to my wish list, just based on comments.

By the way, if you win then you get a copy of Heather Rose’s The Butterfly Man, currently only available in Australia and New Zealand.