I have never tried NoveList before, but was impressed by the information on the BPL’s blog. So I’m passing it along in case you’re ever looking for a resource like this. I can think of a few times where I wish I had known this was available. I’ll have to put it through its paces and pass along a ‘review’.
All posts by trav
Preserving bound books
There’s a new site that’s up and running in an effort to preserve the bound book. Unlike many folks upset about “digital media” intruding on print media’s turf, the folks at Future of the Book seem to be operating with a much broader perspective. They’re even working in digital printing and media into some of their projects. It should be fun to watch how they evolve and just how myopic their vision does/doesn’t get.
Lovely lofts for literacy
Just added a new date to our {head}:sub/head Book Events Calendar…
May 12th (Mother’s Day weekend) is the day of the Historic Footnotes Loft Tour. Tickets are $15 prior to the downtown tour and $20 the day of. All proceeds go to support The Literacy Council and its programs.
Up and running
Birmingham’s based Crane Hill publishing has published their new site.