I love stories like this one. In the 1970s and 1980s, Terry Pratchett wrote under a different name. Now someone has connected the dots, and 20 of his “lost to time” stories are being brought back and published in a new book.
The publisher is Pratchett’s longtime publisher Transworld, though none of these stories are set in Pratchett’s well-loved Discworld universe. It sounds like the new book is titled A Stroke of the Pen: The Lost Stories.
Pratchett died in 2015, and it’s exciting to think about new-to-us stories being released.
Pratchett’s career spanned decades. Officially he was Sir Terry Pratchett, and he penned more than 41 novels, plus short stories, plus articles, plus essays… the man was prolific.
According to The Guardian story, the twenty-story collection will be released on October 5th. They have some tidbits to share about what kinds of stories have been found. You’ll have to click through to that news story to read about those.

My favorite part of this whole saga is that it was fans that did the digging and connected all the dots to find these once-published-but-lost stories.
And since these stories have technically been published before – they’re “free game” and not covered by Pratchett’s wishes that “no unpublished works be released after his death.” A final wish that his assistant carried out by running a steam roller over Pratchett’s hard drives.
This whole discovery is undoubtedly one for the Sir Terry Pratchett fans. Here is hoping the novelist’s early short stories are as interesting as his longer speculative writings!