A ying to that yang

Now, after that last post ranting on the state of new books, I have to say I am most excited about Michael Chabon’s 2007 release! It’s titled The Yiddish Policeman’s Union and is set to hit bookshelves on May 1st. Being a cover-guy, I usually wait until Amazon has covers posted before linking. But I feel as if I need some balance after that last post.
Chabon’s new story has and “alternate reality” twist to it as it takes place in Israel which is in Alaska…

Apparently back in the 1940’s (this is a true fact) the two options available for rescuing the displaced Jewish folks was to carve them out a chunk of the mid-east or carve them out a chunk of Alaska. We all know which route was taken, but this story follows a murder mystery against this “what if” background. Kinda cool, in that “I just learned something and didn’t mean to” way.

I did see that Michael Chabon quit updating his site back in November. It seems he became overwhelmed and disenchanted with the blogosphere. Too bad. He does direct folks to the The Amazing Website of Kavalier & Clay, to help fans keep up with all things Chabon.

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